Find out about our Harvest Box

Mohawk Harvest's FIRST Harvest Box Program

To participate in this program, you will invest your money now for a summer full of fresh produce and Co-op goodies! Each week, you can pick up a box of fresh, seasonal produce, including a unique recipe to match your box ingredients, and an in-store special item to top it all off. We have fifteen spots available for our Harvest Box program, and here are the benefits of participating in this Co-op offer:
  • You will be eating locally & seasonally, which benefits your health and the environment
  • You will be supporting local farmers and producers and the local economy, and of course your Co-op!
  • Receive a box of fresh, locally grown produce each week, ready for pick-up without the hassle of shopping
  • Receive one recipe highlighting a local ingredient in your box (and find all the other ingredients at the co-op)
  • Receive one special mystery item in your Harvest Box each week from the Co-op (there will be a section on signup sheet to let us know of any dietary restrictions)
Click here for more information.
You can also learn more at the Co-op or email us.