Message from Board of Directors welcoming Joe Gyurik as General Manager

March 16, 2020

Dear Members and Friends,

Starting today, there’s a new face at Mohawk Harvest as we welcome Joe Gyurik as General Manager. Joe brings experience to the Co-op in management, retail, marketing and farming. He – and we – are excited about new possibilities for growth.

Rain (Lorraine) Hunt has agreed to assist us as we transition. We are grateful for her ongoing willingness to help and wish her well in her future endeavors.

More information will follow about Joe but, for now, if you see a new face at the store, please introduce yourself and welcome him. These are tough days for everyone and the co-op is no exception. With new ideas, hard work, dedication and the support of members, friends and our Board, we are hopeful as we move forward.

You can reach us at In the meantime, stay healthy and safe. Hope to see you at the Co- op soon!

MH Board of Directors